Tuition and Fees
Day Student
- $200 TUITION
- $75 Includes Sunday night dinner and all lunches, drinks, cookies
- Meal plan available for $125 to add all meals for the week.
- $200 TUITION per student
- $195
- Includes Sunday night dinner and all lunches.
- $0 for guest(non-student), does not include food.
- Meal plan available for students, $125 to add all meals for the week.
- Guest Meal plan is $200 for the week.
Double Occupancy
- $200 TUITION
- $425 Shared Room (may request roommate or we will select a compatible roommate for you).
- Includes all meals.
Single Occupancy
- $200
- $670 Includes priority choice of lodging with no roommate.
- Includes all meals.
*Please see our Cancellation Policy for all fees related to cancellation and transfer of classes.
Junior Rockhound classes are $200 per week. If lodging, Junior Rockhound must stay in same room as parent/family member. Please see our policy on children at William Holland School.